Lava You Don’t Get from a Volcano

chocolate lava cake a la modeHere’s a shot of one of the chocolate lava cakes I made for my brother-in-law’s birthday party.  I think the last time I made these was for the same occasion, two years ago.  Gideon had said periodically since then that I should make them again, and my answer has always been, “I’ll make them for Ed’s birthday.”  So here they are.  I made some changes from the recipe I found online, and this is now a pretty standard recipe anyway. I did find it interesting that, as for a number of recipes, the innovation came about because of a mistake. Its originator, chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten, apparently pulled a chocolate cake out of the oven too soon and realized that its underbaked warm center was actually an asset. Then he must have developed the individual cakes that are usual today. A full-sized version would be very messy to serve.

You’ll notice in the recipe below that I’ve given another idea for serving these, which is to just leave them in the individual ramekins and let people eat them that way. You thus avoid the dreaded non-molding cakes and the fiddling with hot little dishes.

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