A Very Different Sweet Potato Recipe

pan of sweet potatoes browned on top, ready to come out of the ovenSunday evening was a big get-together over at my in-laws’ house in celebration of four birthdays (mainly my father-in-law’s) and as a farewell to my son Gideon who is leaving for his internship in Seattle at the end of this week.  Jan, my mother-in-law, was making pulled pork and various other things and wanted me to make something with sweet potatoes.  I am on record as being totally opposed to sweet sweet-potato dishes, especially for Thanksgiving, as I think that they’re too much like dessert.  (I always end up being overruled on this at Thanksgiving and people always love what Jan makes; what can you do?)  But for this meal I got to choose, so I went looking for a savory sweet-potato dish.  The following has been heavily adapted, so I have no problem with posting it as mine.  The original recipe called for pancetta.  Well, I thought, I’ll use bacon.  Then I realized, far too late to do anything about it, that all of my bacon was in a solid block in the freezer.  So I left it out.  And I have to say, as a committed bacon lover, that it doesn’t need it.  It’s also supposed to have a lot of fresh sage, which I didn’t have, and a lot less crumb topping.  Gyp!  So I doubled the crumb amount and put in more butter.  That should make up for any calorie deficit from leaving out the bacon.  This is really, really good.  I promise.

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