Easy, Elegant, Unusual Salmon

unusual salmonI was making all the food for a women’s tea on Saturday, and we were having the company for Sunday dinner that we should have had the week before, only we were snowed in, so I needed something simple.  Fortunately, that was what I had already planned anyway.  No multi-step recipes, no fancy dessert.  I wanted to make something we’d had before, a salmon dish with some kind of sauce made with cider and cream.  But when I went online to look for it I couldn’t find anything that sounded right.  At some point I re-stumbled upon the recipe which turned out to be in Molly Wizenberg’s

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A Couple of Unusual Brownie Recipes

plate of mexican browniesplat of momBrownies, or some kind of simple bar cookie, are a great asset to have in your recipe box. You can pull them out, whip them up, and get them to the potluck or party in reasonably short order. You probably have a simple chocolate brownie recipe that you use; these two are a little off the beaten track. I’ve always had good success with them.

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A Most Unusual Apple Dessert

I first got this recipe from some magazine or other in an article about a dinner planned by Julia Child.  When I went online to check the source I found the exact same thing on the Food Network website by some other chef, so I guess it doesn’t belong to any one person.  I have changed the assembly to make it easier, as I have very little patience with doing complicated things just for looks.  It’s called “Gateau Mont St. Michel” because it’s supposed to be a “mountain” of crepes, apples and almond cream that’s then cut into wedges to serve.  But that’s just too much work.  So here’s my version, which I have titled:

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